General lecture notes

Its worth noting that these are notes taken in the middle of theory lectures, which go over previously covered content in the form of quizzes

in cs2850, the first lecture covers the theory content and the second goes over C programming

Lecture 1 - Teaching week 3 (oct 14th)

process switching 0 if no clock interrupt is received, no process will ever give up control.

Lecture 2 - Teaching week 3 (oct 14th)

char *str = "hello world"

all strings are terminated with \0 this is known as the null terminator char

general experiment implementing the peterson’s algorithm on processes

followed most of the code from the textbook, this does not work as it requires shared memory.

after the fork() call the new process may have the same virtual memory addresses and identical memory image, but its physical location has changed so when we are calling and mutating the variable states from either processes, we are only changing the variable state for that process’s memory image

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#define N 2

int turn;
int interested[N];
int finished = 0;

void enter_region(int process)
    int other;

    other = 1 - process;
    interested[process] = TRUE;
    turn = process;

    while (turn == process && interested[other] == TRUE)

void leave_region(int process)
    interested[process] = FALSE;

void process_a()

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (i == 2)
            printf("sleeping in crit loop a at %d\n", i);
        printf("crit loop a is at: %d\n", i);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (i == 5)
            printf("sleeping from parent process in non crit at %d\n", i);
        printf("non crit loop a is at: %d\n", i);

void process_b()

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (i == 4)
            printf("sleeping in crit loop b at %d\n", i);
        printf("crit loop b is at: %d\n", i);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (i == 2)
            printf("non crit sleeping from child process at %d\n", i);
        printf("non crit loop b is at: %d\n", i);

int main()
    if (fork() == 0)

    printf("process finished\n\n");
    while (finished < 2)
        printf("finished: %i\n", finished);
    printf("program exit\n\n");
    return 0;

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